
What is WordPress? And How Does It Work? | Explained for Beginners

Today's video is answering the question of what is WordPress and how does WordPress work.

How to handle hosting for clients – What mistakes to avoid

In this video I'm gonna explain how to handle hosting and domains when you are working with clients. What's the best hosting provider? Or should…

What Is Web Hosting? Explained

At the end of this video you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision when you come to buy a hosting…

How to Find Out Where Your Website is Hosted

It's a far too common problem - small business owners and website owners forget where their website is hosted. Learn how to find your web…

Pricing Design Work & Creativity

Confused about how to price creative services? Are you charging hourly versus value based pricing? Is there a better way to determine what is fair…

Web Design Trends 2021

Envato: Find out the Web Design trends we're predicting for 2021 in our video roundup